“Ishwar” and “Bhagvan”?

We Hindus often hear the words "ishwar" and "bhagvan" . Here are the meaning of these two words?

Bhagvan is a term made of two different words, bhaga and vanBhaga generally means supreme opulence. The Vishnu Purana defines bhaga as below:
ऐष्वर्यस्य समग्रस्य धर्मस्य यशसः श्रियः |
ज्ञानवैराग्ययोश्चैव षण्णां भग इतीरणा ||

Complete splendor, virtue, glory, opulence, knowledge, dispassion - these six are known as bhaga.   — Vishnu Purana, VI.5.74
So just like one who has dhana (wealth) is known as dhanavan, one how has all these six is known as bhagavan. ( bhaga + van = bhagavan ) But the opluences descried above are only found in the supreme personality of Godhead. Hence, the absolute truth, Brahman is also called as Bhagavan.
Apart from this, Bhagavan also means the omniscient being who has the complete knowledge of creation, dissolution, knowledge, ignorance, etc.:  The Vishnu Purana defines Bhagavān as follows-
उत्पत्तिं प्रलयं चैव भूतानामागतिं गतिम् |
वेत्तिं विद्यामविद्यां च स वाच्यो भगवानिति ||
He who understands the creation and dissolution, the appearance and disappearance of beings, the wisdom and ignorance, should be called Bhagavān.
— Vishnu Purana, VI.5.78 
Now, regarding Ishwara, it has been derived from the Sanskrit root ish, which means to rule. So Ishwara means the supreme being who rules over everyone and everything. But as God is only such being, He is also known as Ishwara. ( īśate iti īśvaraḥ )
So irrespective of whether we say Bhagavan or Iswara, both imply the same personal form of God. Just their meanings are different.

As per my wide understanding on various religion I mean that, ISHWAR has created and nominated BHAGAWAN on earth. So that BHAGAWAN has parents, but ISHWAR has not. BHAGAWAN has wife and child, but ISHWAR has not. BHAGAWAN has life & death, but ISHWAR alive forever.
ISHWAR is not only for mankind but for all live and dead. He is an owner not only for earth but for whole universe.


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